An authentic wine, a land of character, a unique vine: the Mansois. A true pleasure for the epicureans!

A vineyard of character

The character and uniqueness of the Marcillac vineyard comes from the combining of different elements:

  • A colour-balanced land between red sandstones and limestone,
  • An optimal climate for vines planted at an average altitude of 450 m,
  • The “Mansois”, a unique vine adapted to this land,
  • The culture on terraces built on valley edges with sharp slopes,

but also from the men and women, who worked with patience in the creation of these authentic wines.

Marcillac WINE ROAD

Follow the road signs to guide until the winegrowers’ cellar of the PDO Marcillac.

Welcome to THE CELLARS of Marcillac


- Gallo-Roman times: First vine growing in the Vallon de Marcillac.

- 11th century: First mention of the vineyard. The « Livre des Miracles de sainte Foy » from the 11th century (Book of Miracles of St-Foy) and the « Cartulaire de Conques » (Charter of Conques) were the first to mention vine holdings in the Vallon of Marcillac by the monks of Conques.

- 18th century: The expansion of the vineyard. The vineyards became then the property of the bourgeois of Rodez who sold their wine in the surroundings.

- 19th century: The peak for the vineyard. The vineyard production was at its peak and its principal clients were the mine workers of the nearby coal basin of Decazeville

- Early 20th century: The decline of the vineyard. In the early 20thcentury the production faced a strong decline because of the phylloxera crisis, the fungal diseases and WWI (loss of man power).

- Years 1950s and 1960s: Huge frosts (down to -28°C) and closing of the subterranean coal mines of Decazeville. The two events have almost threatened the vineyard.

- Years 1960s: The rebirth of the vineyard. The last wine growers initiated a change. They worked towards its qualification and on a network elaboration. The Cooperative Wine Cellar was created in 1962).

- 1965: VDQS designation obtained

- 1990: PDO designation obtained. The work carries on with new vineyards being planted on the flank of the hills thanks to the construction of new terraces.
- Nowadays: The recognition. The wine growers are nowadays identified as essential developers in the economy of this territory. A nice future is on the rise! Settlement of young wine growers, white wines development, experimental vineyards, environmentally friendly viticulture and organic cultures…

- Nowadays: The recognition. The wine growers are nowadays identified as essential developers in the economy of this territory. A nice future is on the rise! Settlement of young wine growers, white wines development, experimental vineyards, environmentally friendly viticulture and organic cultures…

Around the vineyard: Traditions and Heritage

The growing of vineyards in the Vallon de Marcillac has given identities to our traditions, culture and local built heritage.

the tassou  or tasting cup

A silver cup for wine tasting and traditionally carried inside the waist-coat gusset like was the gusset-watch or the liadou. The wine must be served coumoul (to the edge in Occitan)!
The original tassou personalized by its owner has a silver coin in its centre. Its handle represents a snake to recall the legend of Foncourrieu (a chapel where the future harvest is blessed every year during the St-Bourrou): “In the early 14th century, a noble lady was crossing the field of Foncourrieu full of brambles and reptiles. Suddenly a huge snake with wings twisted around her legs. The Virgin Mary appeared to help her out and freed her from the grip. As a thankful note, the lady asked for a chapel dedicated to Mary to be built on the location”.
Please note also: You will find the biggest Tassou of the world in Bruéjouls!

The liadou  or binding tool (in Occitan)

This working knife of the wine growers appeared during the 19th century and was used to bind the wood pruning in a crown. It is used to knot the stake rod with the help of a wicker. The year 2014 marks its rebirth. It is nowadays a high quality knife designed with character.

The vineyard shacks

Built in the heart of the vineyards, they are used for collecting rain water for sulphate work as they all have a water tank. They allow also the grower to put away its tools and find shelter for a short break. Nowadays they are still visible in the landscape where they are considered an emblematic element of our vernacular heritage.

The slatted doors

Doors made with slats of many crossed wood beams and extra inside reveals. They allow the temperature to remain constant and help in the air circulation (carbon dioxide extraction) necessary in the right preservation of the wine.

The dry walls

The vineyards plots are built on the sharp flanks of hills. Here, to fight erosion the wine growers built rows of terraces held by dry walls.

The traditional basket or carrejadou

A double basket positioned on a pillow made from a goat skin, held on the head with a strap and carried on the shoulders. It enabled workers to transport either the grapes during the harvest or manure to enrich the soils or even diverse materials like stones for the dry walls repairs.

The fraternities

Fraternities find their roots during Middle Age. The purpose of these communities is to favour the mutual aid and to maintain the traditions inside each trades corporation. The Marcillac wine fraternities are attached to the promotion of the wine and the local culture.
Two fraternities operate in the heart of the vineyard: the Eschansonnerie de la Saint-Bourrou in Marcillac and the Chevaliers de la Dive Bouteille in Bruéjouls can be met during the Wine Festival.

The song of the wine growers “Lo Saumancés”

This traditional Occitan song is dedicated to the local vine, the Mansois (lo saumancés in Occitan). The wine growers sing it with ardour during the festivities, a way to express their love to their vine.
« Lo saumancés […] aquò’s quicòm de dalicat […] una caressa que camina per l’estomac, lo vin de la tèrra salina de Marcilhac. » (“The mansois […] ‘tis something quite delicate […] a cuddle to the stomach, the wine of the salty hearth of Marcillac.”)

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The festivities around the vineyard

Share a friendly moment around the PDO wines of Marcillac during our festivals and key events.

THE "Saint-Bourrou" IN Marcillac

Whit Monday Festivities
Whit Monday is the key moment for the wine growers who are going to the chapel of Foncourrieu in procession to celebrate the bourrou (the vine bud in Occitan) and to bless the future harvest. Wine tasting is part of the festivities as well as meeting with wine growers and the enthronement of new members into the fraternity “Eschansonnerie de la Saint-Bourrou”. A village festival is also held during the week-end.

the wine fair of Marcillac

On the Friday before August 15th
A tasting gathering not to miss with wine growers of Marcillac, who invite you to discover their production and the identity of their wine!

THE Wine Festivities of Bruéjouls

On the 2nd Sunday of August
Enjoy a relaxing time around vine and wine in music and shows, a festivity for all ages. A good spirit and shared pleasure time from breakfast to the depth of the night!


Every Sunday morning, all year round, and from Whit Sunday (Pentecôte) to All Saints Day (Toussaint), a wine tasting with one wine grower of Marcillac is possible on the regular market.